CMS Implementations & Development services
Take a closer look
We love empowerment and we appreciate that the only option for some businesses is to keep the updating of their website in their control. Our CMS implementations actually stands for Come Meet Simon, our geek in the department of all client control websites. He builds them for you, and well to be honest we have to pry them away from him at client hand over… he gets that attached!
Client Control Websites, coincidentally also known as CMS systems, enable you to write and upload that Monday afternoon blog, update your customers with the latest deals and offers whenever you want to promote them, and manage all your products, new and old at the click of a few buttons. Of course Simon will teach you how to use the choose system of choice in his slightly OTT hand over, but we always like to hear from you again so if you need to ask the odd question, he will be happy to oblige. Just not on the last Tuesday of each month between 11 and 12, as he religiously cleans his 16 keyboards.
We work with a variety of systems, all chosen after serious consideration as to the best option for your company and it’s needs, considering the user and the website we have built for you - well we have to be serious sometimes.